Elevate Your Well-being: Certified Massage Mastery

About Me





Thank you for your interest in connecting with me! Whether you have inquiries, want to book an appointment, or simply wish to get in touch, I'm here to help. My name is Nate Santos (CAMTA168806), a certified massage therapist deeply passionate about empowering individuals to achieve optimal health and wellness through therapeutic touch and education.

I specialize in a range of massage techniques, including Swedish, Shiatsu, sports massage, myofascial treatment, deep tissue massage, and more. Each modality allows me to customize my approach to address your specific needs, whether it's relaxation, pain relief, improved flexibility, or enhanced sports performance.

I'm dedicated to debunking misconceptions about massage therapy. It's not just indulgence; it's a holistic wellness approach. Join me on this journey as we explore the true healing potential of massage. Your journey to relaxation, pain relief, and overall well-being begins here at CoastalKneads Therapeutic.

***Currently I'm available for *Mobile Massage; I can come to you, to your home or wherever you feel most safe and comfortable

Please feel free to get in touch through one of the following methods:

Phone: (209)618-6386

Email: nate@coastalkneads.com

Location: Mobile Massage/ Your Doorstep/ Central California 

Appointment BookingChoose Appt Date/Time

*for more information contact: info@coastalkneads.com

All other Inquiries-Comments-Suggestions contact: nate@coastalkneads.com

Elevate Your Well-being: Certified Massage Mastery

(209) 618-6386

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